The Theoretic Foundation of our Model

In the past century, numerous attempts in diverse field of science were made to reaveal the personality and aptitude of an individual. Among them, most prominent theories of personality are trait psychology, psychodynamics, situationism, and interactionism.

In modern psychology, trait theorists have gained its popularity among various industries as well as individuals due to its accessibility, simplicity and applicability. With vast amount of case studies and sample data, it has proven its usefulness on identifying the innate traits of an individual and versatile application of the result.

Although its goal to identify human aptitude is to understand and appreciate differences and uniqueness between people, trait theorists’ approach to human personality, however, ironically induced the result that the majority of MBTI, Big5 and 16PF tested subjects lie near the middle of a continuous curve, placing them least distinguishable from one another.

Bigger issue with this approach which situationists point out is that trait theories fail to explain the inconsistent behavior of an individual when he or she faces similar situation over time.

Situationists argue that the personal trait has limited (or no) impact on the actual output of human behavior and the situation itself in which the individual perceive dominates the behavior. That being said, we took different approach to the aptitude and personality with rather unorthodox method. Instead of categorizing personal preferences and behavioral tendency into a set frame of personal trait based on inductive logic, we approached more fundamental and biological root of human behavior and response.

Incorporating the theory of left-right brain by Roger Sperry and the latest findings in neuroscience and cognitive science, we examined the tendency of an individual on which side of the brain he or she utilizes when a situation is given. Because we believe that the personal trait (or at least the answers derived from the series of questions) of an individual in conventional personality model is determined at conscious level, meaning the test subject consciously choose his or her own tendency, whereas the behavior or response of the same individual in a given situation is manifested from his or her mind at psychodynamic level.

This is what distinguish our approach from other personality test: we are not in pursue of identifying personal trait, because personal trait is, in our point of view, a mere reflection of conscious mind whether it derived from innate preference or learned experience.

As a human brain not only houses the mind of an individual, but also is directly associated with emotion and both conscious and subconscious control of action, therefore, it is inevitably important to understand the entire cognitive process of how our brain perceive the world or a situation and psycho-dynamically (meaning both consciously and unconsciously within our brain) interpret the information perceived, and reflect the decision in behavior.